I am deeply saddened to announce that my friend and friend of so many people around the World passed away August 20th, 2006
while fishing on the Kola Peninsula. He will be deeply mised by everyone who knew and loved this very special man.
Yuri was born in Stavropol, a city located in the Caucus region of Russia which is located between the Caspian and Black
Seas. His father was a WWII veteran of the "Great Patriotic War" serving from the first day to the last as a member of an
IL-4 bomber crew. After Yuri's required service in the Soviet Army he attended University in Moscow receiving a PhD
in biological sciences. He now now resides with his in Lund, Sweden were he is engaged in research at the University of Lund.
Yuri also ties commercially specializing in Atlantic salmon flies for Europe and the Kola Peninsula.
Note: The picture in the upper right corner of this page is the 300 year old Varzuga church. Built entirely of wood its
one of Russia's treasures.

Yuri's father, picture taken at the Battle of Stalingrad. If you are interested reading his story click here
When you think of Russian
sports, fly-fishing doesn't usually come to mind but nothing can be further from the truth. Although relatively small the
Russian fly-fishing and tying community is very active even having their own language magazine, Nahlyst. Years ago in Moscow a small cadre of fishermen started a club in which many of todays talented Russian tiers started
in their craft. Yuri is one of those early members who brings to the table that particular Russian penchant for innovation
and style. I truly hope you enjoy seeing his work as much as I do and you obtain
some inspiration in your tying efforts