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Yuri Shumakov's Flies
Nordic Way Tube Flies

Yuri Sumakov's flies are a blend of Scandinavian artestry and his own ideas fostered by his ethnic Russian penchant for inventivness. With Yuri's permission I've added some views of Russia's "Wild West", the Kola Peninsula, site of bitterly contested battles for Russia's ice free port Murmansk. Closed for many years the Kola is probably one of the World's best salmon areas known today.

Yuri at his "Tying KIngdom", Lund Sweden

The Baron se

The Baron se backlit by the Sun

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"The Golden Fleece" serebrjanka goat hair

The Topol M tied in the "Russian Bullet" style

Russian Army APC used for travel on the Kola

Travel in the Kola region is a tenious affair at best, only opened in 1992 conditions require rugged vehicles to navigate the harsh terrain. Of course even armored personal carriers suffer breakdowns from time to time and strong backs are the order of the day. This APC carries 15 rods at a time.

Black Pyramid tied in the "Russian Bullet" style

Modern Jock Scott tied on a tube

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Durham Ranger tied in the Scandinavian style

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Durham Ranger backlit by the Sun

WWII monument to the defense of Murmansk, Kola Peninsulsa

Modern Akroyd tied on a tube

Up the Rodvan'ga River

Red Sundy

Belousicha River, Kola Peninsula

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